Moving house is a big change for everyone involved – especially children, who might be excited, but also a little wary.

As a parent, you will of course be eager to make the transition for the little ones or teens as smooth as possible, and hopefully make the experience a really positive one.

While the thought of moving house with children can be daunting, there are plenty of ways to create a move that’s memorable for the kids (in a good way!) and to help them settle into your new build home.

We caught up with Claire Burgess, Family Consultant at UK consultancy service Bespoke Family, to get some top tips on making the process as seamless as possible for the whole family.

Claire said: “For some families who are just moving a few miles away, nothing much changes in relation to seeing friends and family or going to the same groups/nursery/school, but for others it can be a much bigger change and can have an impact on your child(ren). 

“There are no right or wrong emotions, we just need to be accepting that our children might be experiencing a mixture of emotions too. It’s important for parents to acknowledge this from their perspective.”

Moving house tips for kids – Things to do before moving

  • Home movers can help their kids feel more at ease by sharing photos of the new property, as this can help them visualise living in it.  If you are able to, visit with them and look around before moving and make regular trips to drive or walk by while talking about the new home.
  • If you are moving further away and are unable to visit the house, print out some photos and put them into an album so your children can look at them and ask any questions. Share some photos of parks and playgrounds that are close by, even a photo of their new nursery or school so that this can be a talking point.
  • Depending on your child’s age, if possible, try to involve them in planning their new room.  Encouraging them to make decisions can help them have a sense of control or ownership of their area in the new house.

  • Don’t make too many changes or buy all new things as this can lead to your child being a little more unsettled. Having things that are familiar to them will help with the transition.
  • Read books with your child(ren) about moving house. This is a great video from CBeebies which might help. 
  • If you are moving reasonably close by, going to parks or activities close to your new build home can familiarise you all with the area and put family members at ease.
  • Involve them in packing in advance of moving day. This avoids them feeling like everything is happening at once and that they have to make decisions quickly about what they do or don’t want to pack. 
  • Be clear and explain what is going to happen on moving day. Talk through the whole process, providing reassurance and opportunities for them to ask questions.


How to help children settle when moving house – What to do on moving day

  • Pack a bag with their favourite things to take with them to the new house.  This can help them start to feel more at home. 
  • Try to have their cot/bed set up first so it is ready for the evening.  Keep the same bedding as in your old house so that they smell familiar.  If you use things such as blackout blinds or white noise, try to have these to hand for the first night in the new house.
  • During the first few weeks in your new house, allow your child(ren) to explore and spend time in different rooms so that they can start to build up an awareness of their new environment. This can be very important for their play areas but also their bedtime. Spending time in their new bedroom (away from bedtimes) can also help them adjust to their new sleeping space.

  • Try to keep your normal routines as much as possible - mealtimes, nap and bedtimes and having a bedtime routine that you normally follow. You might find that for the first couple of weeks your child is slightly more unsettled and so keeping to a predictable routine will really help to settle things back down. 
  • Introduce yourselves to the neighbours and involve youngsters in this so that they can get to know other people who live close to you, as well as who your child might be able to play with.
  • Continue to have contact with friends and family who you used to live close to, either by inviting them to visit your new house or organising video calls to help your child avoid a sense of loss.


Following these tips will hopefully ensure that moving day is a success and your whole family settles into life in your new home very quickly.


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