Health, Safety and Environment

Cala recognises that the effective management of health & safety is an integral and essential part of our successful business and that the co-operation and partnership of staff at all levels is vital in achieving the continual health and safety performance.


  • Comply with the Health & Safety at Work etc. Act 1974 and associated legislation and set standards above the minimum requirements
  • Pursue a systematic, planned approach to the identification of hazards, assessing associated risks, and implementing suitable control measures where necessary
  • Provide the necessary resources to reduce the risks to health and safety of our employees, self employed, clients, contractors, the public, and others that may be affected by any of our operations
  • Ensure the provision of premises, plant, equipment and systems of work that contribute to a safe and healthy working environment
  • Provide information, instruction, training and supervision necessary for employees to undertake work tasks competently and safely
  • Ensure effective consultation and communication with all employees on health and safety matters
  • Regularly review, monitor and audit the effectiveness of the health and safety policy and undertake to improve/amend where necessary
  • Make the policy available to all interested parties

Health and Safety Culture Change Programme

Cala has launched a Health and Safety culture change programme, the general ethos of which is encapsulated in our new work code, ‘One Team, One Goal, Safe Home’.

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