Heating your new Cala home

At Cala, we understand that heating is an important component for your new home. That's why we have partnered with top-of-the-line heating system manufacturers to ensure you get the most efficient and reliable service possible.

Gas-free heating systems are being trialled across several of our developments across Scotland and England. With these heating systems, you can be sure that your home is kept warm and comfortable throughout the year - whilst reducing reliance on fossil fuels.

Gas-free heating systems

Find out more about what gas-free heating systems Cala are trialling on several of our sites across Scotland and England.

Gas-free heating systems at Cala

Cala has installed gas-free heating systems where gas was not available on site for the past decade, and our commitment to end the use of gas in all of our homes has seen us roll out alternative heating systems across several developments more recently. However, for existing or under construction sites, gas-free heating systems might not be in operation.

Customers should speak with their sales consultant and read the specifications for their chosen development to see what green technology is available and suitable for their home. 

To find out more about Cala’s goals, check out our sustainability page.

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