Looking for a new home? It's time for Cala

Let us help you make your move to a Cala home this year. Discover our incentives to help get you moving

Looking for a new home? It's time for Cala Find out more

Discover our developments

Whether you’re looking for a townhouse for sale in Aberdeen, an apartment in Oxfordshire, or a home for sale in Peterborough, we have a wide range of new-build developments across Scotland, the Cotswolds and South East England that will be sure to tick all of your boxes.

You can use our handy tool below to help narrow your search for your next home by country and county/shire. Simply find your desired area and browse the list of homes that we have available in that region. It’s as easy as that.

Select your country from the map or buttons below to begin your search.

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EnglandNorthern IrelandScotlandWales

Find a showhome 

At Cala, we pride ourselves on our exceptional design standards. Why not experience our craftsmanship firsthand by visiting our selection of showhomes across the UK. 

With daily viewing opportunities, discovering your dream home has never been more accessible. Start your journey towards finding your perfect home today by visit one of our showhomes today. 

Found a home you love?

Take a look at our helping you move page to see how we can guide you through your homebuying journey and find out what incentives you may be eligible for.

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