Wildlife at Waterbeach

The beautiful landscape sets the new community of Waterbeach apart. From the 23-acre lake to the dappled woodland and wide-open green spaces, nature runs through the core of Waterbeach, alongside everything else you need for an exceptional quality of life.

The priority habitat areas at Waterbeach are bigger than 60 international rugby pitches. The vision establishes 5 key habitat areas, alongside a network of corridors which connect to each other - with other green spaces to help wildlife move freely, providing wonderful routes for horse riding, cycling and walks for everyone to enjoy.

All of this is part of ensuring Waterbeach achieves a 20% biodiversity net gain as well as being a great place to live, work or visit.

  1. The former golf course, supports a range of habitat areas including grassland, scrub, woodland, hedges, ditches and ponds.
  2. The lake and runway grassland, beautiful and tranquil, the lakeside and runway are a patchwork of wetlands, meadows and woodland at the heart of Waterbeach.
  3. Western bund and watercourse, the western boundary of the site includes a wide grassy bund with patches of scrub and scattered trees situated next to the historic watercourse, part of the Old Tillage network.
  4. Northern buffer is a large-scale habitat creation area situated along the northern boundary of the site, this will allow for links to existing fields and fenland to the north.
  5. Urban ecology runs alongside the natural landscape. The urban areas of the development will include bat boxes, hedgehog highways, bird boxes and bee bricks to ensure residents are never far from nature.
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