Our proposal

This proposal is for 144 new homes, including 36 affordable homes, & standalone commercial unit. The development will be complimented by associated open space and infrastructure, will bring new life to this central location within Livingston.

The site connects to existing amenities and services, including public transport and active travel routes.

The proposal is to retains a strong landscape framework, and visual separation to the north and providing an attractive route along the re-routed footpath. Improving the connectivity for pedestrian movement to the existing street network to the north and south, is prioritised over vehicle movement through the inclusion of dedicated footways and off road footpaths.

The existing landscape framework consists of a ‘T’ shaped tree belt along the northwestern boundary and through the centre, along the route of the existing footpath. The proposal is to retain existing trees on site and improve the natural landscape areas while enhancing biodiversity. Making the central footpath an attractive route through green space and forming an easily accessible active travel route, connecting to the wider footpath network to the north and south. This makes the new homes set within an attractive and mature landscape framework, creating a place with identity and character.

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