Andlers Wood, Liss

A landscape-led development within the South Downs National Park


Andlers Wood in Liss, Hampshire, comprises 77 three-, four- and five-bedroom homes, 40% of which are affordable. The 4.55-hectare site sits on a former tree nursery within the park, and has two distinct new housing neighbourhoods, with a generous parcel of green space at the centre.

Created by Cala in partnership with the Liss Neighbourhood Plan Development Group and South Downs National Park, Andlers Wood adopts a landscape-led design approach: prioritising design of the landscape over volume of housing footprint. This approach ensured the new development was sensitive to the surrounding National Park and meets all design criteria such as not obstructing views of the Park by incorporating cat slide roofs – in keeping with local architecture - and using building materials befitting neighbouring properties.

Cala’s proposals ensured that parkland on the site was extended beyond its existing allocated boundaries to create an overall larger area of green space for public gain.

Planning permission was secured in November 2019 with construction starting on site in January 2020. Completion of Andlers Wood is anticipated for early 2022.

The opportunity

Formerly owned by Hillier Nurseries and Garden Centres, the land previously served as a tree nursery. The site was identified in the Liss Neighbourhood Development Plan in 2017, which was informed by local steering groups and prepared by Liss Parish Council.

In order to work collaboratively with South Downs National Park and Liss Parish Council, the Cala team established a series of Design Review Panel workshops in order to evolve and optimise the masterplan design. It was through these workshops that Cala identified an opportunity to increase the number of proposed homes from 60 to 77 – which was supported locally, given the demand for new homes in what is a popular area of Hampshire.

Our approach

A key challenge of Andlers Wood was to adhere to guidelines outlined by South Downs National Park. The scheme needed to be reflective of the National Park and there were a number of landscape characteristics to be considered. This included ensuring key viewpoints were retained, service routes and footpaths had as little impact on green space as possible, and architecture was similar to that of existing homes in the local area. In response to local demand to support more sustainable travel, Cala provided integrated electric car charging ports and bike storage throughout the development.

The resulting 77 detached and semi-detached homes each have a distinct style that is reflective of the location. In accordance with the Liss Plan, 40% of the homes provided are affordable.

In addition to the homes, Cala committed to highway works and the creation of a new pedestrian footpath, providing a direct link from Andlers Wood to Hill Brow Road and Liss Infant and Junior School, and an area of Suitable Alternative Natural Green Space (SANG); the first to be created in the National Park. These works were for the benefit of the whole village and improved overall accessibility, particularly as there wasn’t previously a footpath leading to the school.  

Cala also adopted an Employment and Training Strategy for the project which meant 40% of those working on its construction were employed from the local area.

Where are we now?

Known as Andlers Wood, the development offers a mix of three-, four-, and five-bedroom homes suitable for first-time buyers to growing families. The first residents moved into Andlers Wood in December 2020 and construction of the development is expected to complete in early 2022.

The homes are set sensitively within the landscape, maintaining key views through the site, and the architectural design of the new homes is a contemporary response to the local vernacular.

Seeding and planting of wildflowers and trees has been completed on the SANG land, creating a unique plot of land within the National Park and providing further space for the public to use.

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