Public Consultation Privacy Policy

Last updated: 4th April 2022

We understand that when you provide your personal data to Cala because you have attended a public
consultation about a proposed Cala development you will want to know about what we will do with that
personal data and how you can contact us about in the future. With this in mind we have prepared the
following Privacy Notice to explain this further.


Who we are/Contact details

We are CALA Group (Holdings) Limited, a company registered in England & Wales, Company Number 08428265, Registered Office - CALA House, 54 The Causeway, Staines-upon-Thames, Surrey TW18 3AX and its subsidiary companies including CALA Management Limited ("Cala"): We provide this Privacy Notice to inform you of our policy and practices and of the choices you can make about the way your information is collected when you visit our website, or contact us by phone or email, or attend in person at a public consultation


Purposes of the processing and legal basis for processing

It is in our legitimate interests to collect your personal data as it provides us with the information that we need to keep accurate records of your participation in the public consultation process, and so that we can contact you to clarify or respond to your comments.


Who your data will be shared with

Your personal data and comments will be shared with Cala’s appointed consultants and with the Planning Authority as part of the statutory planning process.


Period for which personal data will be stored

We will keep your personal data until the planning application upon which you have commented, and/or planning appeal, has been fully determined and your personal data will then be securely deleted.


Right to make a subject access or request data rectification /erasure/restriction/objection/data portability

Please contact 


Complaints should be directed to

The Information Commissioner’s Office

Wycliffe House, Water Lane, Wilmslow, Cheshire SK9 5AF
Helpline‐ 0303 123 1113

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