Accessibility in England
For our designers, creating our portfolio of homes is about more than ensuring we fully comply with, and exceed where possible, the ‘M4 Category 1’ building regulations in England.
As a starting point, all our homes meet the visitable dwellings standards and our attention to detail ensures easy access. Our homes are also future-proofed to adapt to your families changing needs.
No one should compromise their way of living for a home that isn’t suited to them, so we are ready to learn from our customers, and provide you with an environment to thrive in. Cala Homes believes that complete means of accessibility in your home is what defines loving the way you live.
Our homes begin with you.
For our designers, creating our portfolio of homes is about more than ensuring we fully comply with, and exceed where possible, the ‘M4 Category 1’ building regulations in England.
For our designers, creating our portfolio of homes is about more than ensuring we fully comply with current Building (Scotland) Regulations. We want to understand how families live and ensure that careful thought has been given to all aspects of a modern, flexible and sustainable lifestyle.