Heating your Cala home with Ground Source Heat Pumps

When it comes to building more sustainable communities, and helping customers run their homes in more environmentally conscious ways, removing gas in favour of energy efficient heating has become a real priority.

Heating our homes is one of the major producers of CO2, especially when we are reliant on fossil fuels to do so. With this in mind, the Government has  laid out that new build homes must be gas-free by March 2024 in Scotland and January 2025 in England.

At Cala, as part of our Sustainability Strategy, we have committed to being ahead of these targets, with all new developments from January 2024 designed to be gas-free wherever infrastructure allows. 

One of the technologies we are using to replace gas in our homes is heat pumps, some of which use heat from the air outside (read more on air source heat pumps here) and some using heat from the ground below. Here, we’ll focus on ground source heat pumps (GSHPs), explaining how they work and what they might mean for those who have them installed in their homes.

Ground Source Heat Pumps at Cala

At Cala we are well on our way to removing gas from our new homes, and heating pumps will play a major part in our future. We have already begun rolling out heat pump technology on new sites, and this will step up as we move towards our target of all new developments from January 2024 being designed to be gas-free wherever infrastructure allows.  our January 2024 gas-free target.  

However, for existing or under construction sites, heat pumps might not currently be used. Customers should speak with their sales consultant and read the specifications for their development and plot to see what sustainable technology is in place for their new home.  

Discover more about the sustainable features and technology we are introducing here 

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