Frequently Asked Questions

1. How do I apply?

How the Showhome of Support is rolled out varies across our developments and not all showhomes will be open for applications.  Our current participating showhomes open for applications are listed above. Please review the interior design brief on the relevant development page and if you think your brand is a good match, complete an application form.

2. What does the application process involve?

The application includes details on you, your business, what products you think would fit in our showhome, and why. Our interior designer and marketing team will then review and select their chosen businesses.

3. How many showhomes/regions can I apply to?

You can apply for any showhomes that are local to your business. Our aim is to showcase businesses local to our sites, so please consider that when applying.

4. What are the requirements to apply? 
        a. Do I have to be a certain size of company?

No, however we ask that our partner businesses are independent and chiefly serve the local community.

        b. What type of businesses can get involved?

We will consider any products suitable for a showhome environment. We are looking to hear from a variety of businesses including gift shops, garden centres, fashion boutiques, florists, bookshops, art stores, interiors stores, framers, food and drink suppliers and furniture makers.

        c. Will you consider items for the garden too?

We are happy to consider outdoor items.

5. Can we supply your customers with small gifts for their home, included within a welcome pack? Or only products for the showhomes?

This initiative is only for our showhomes but we are always happy to discuss other opportunities with our partners.

6. How involved can I get?

         a. Do I work with the interior designer to help decide what I supply? Or does the interior designer choose from my product range?

The interior designer will have overall control over the items to ensure they fit with the design concept for the showhome, however the designer will be more than willing to collaborate where appropriate.

         b. Can I choose which room and where my product is placed?

The interior designer will have overall control of where items are placed but will be more than willing to collaborate where appropriate.

7. If I have a mix of products to offer, can I supply more than one?

Yes, you can apply to have multiple items included in the showhome.

8. How long is the process from applying to showhome being ready and customers viewing?

This varies across our showhomes depending on their size and type, however we will aim to make this clear at the briefing stage.

9. How long will a showhome be live for?

This varies from showhome to showhome, depending on the lifecycle of the site and the size and type of property. This can range from 9 months to 3 years in some cases. 

10. How will my products/business be promoted in the showhome?

Items will be tagged to indicate that they are part of the Showhome of Support initiative. We will also highlight them on our website, our social media channels and via other marketing channels, and would encourage our partners to use their own channels to promote the initiative.

11. Will there be an event when the showhome launches that I can attend?

This will depend on the showhome and the development’s lifecycle, but events will certainly be considered as part of the initiative.

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